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What Is Music?

It is an art of sound compiled and expressed following particular emotions and ideas in a significant form. It has melody, harmony, rhythm and tones that make us feel the song or instrumental played live or using a device.

Interesting Facts About Music

🎷 Music Can Help You Concentrate and Work Better

🎷Beats That Keep Your Heartbeats Healthy

🎷Music Changes Your Perception

🎷Music Can Give You a Frisson

 πŸŽ·Music Is Good for Your Plants Too

🎷Music Has the Power to Recall Memories Even after Severe Brain Injuries and Ailments

🎷Singing Dissolves Stress Excellently

🎷Babies Can Listen to Music inside the Womb

Benefits of Listening to Music

These facts tell us about the hidden health benefits of listening to music. Music can ease pain and make us more confident in managing pain. We already know that music reduces stress. A daily dose of music makes you mentally stronger and sharper.
